CashTron is a Multi Currency Token

CashTron Token Sales are only for recognized institutions, All institutions have a registered company and strictly implement KYC processes for each of their customers. No ICO sales or direct public sales from us.


CashTron Token is designed for a variety of currencies to meet the needs of users for money transactions and for CryptoCurrency Trading purposes.


Designed on the Ethereum platform, CashTron Token is a decentralized blockchain and it has a very large network.


It has many Exchanger companies that will be able to convert the CashTron Token to the Fiat currency at very low fees.

How is CashTron Token works?

CashTron Token will be used as a payment token of 1: 1 ratio for CashTron Token versus fiat currency. And that value is guaranteed because CashTron Token will only have value when redeemed by Merchant or Dealer.


CashTron Token is the first to generate various numbers of Tokens under one brand, between Tokens that will be in the market is USDC, EURC, GBPC, IDRC, SGDC, PHPC, MYRC and more.


CashTron Token is widely used as payment or exchange in an internet-based industry and is definitely the ultimate choice in Crypto exchange.


CashTron Token can be stored in different types of wallets according to user needs and likes, either on the web wallet we provide or on any Ethereum wallet or on any Exchangers.


Basically CASHTRON SYSTEM is a Guarantor of CashTron Token Value, however, Exchangers and Major Crypto in our holdings will be security for Token CashTron value and that’s permanent.


The Secret of Success

CashTron Token will be a useful solution for transferring money and buying Crypto, and it is a successful solution for consumer success.

Local Fiat Currency

There are many countries forbidding users buying Crypto Options using the country’s fiat currency. CashTron becomes a solution by creating a Token according to the user’s fiat currency value.

Local Excanger

It is much easier to convert Crypto to Tokens or Tokens to local fiat because CastTron Token has the same value as the user’s fiat and it is certain only the minimum fee will be charged by local exchangers.

Local Merchant

More local merchants can be created to run CryptoCurrency trading and any of Crypto’s business arm.

Local Token Circulation

Since we do not encourage CashTron Token as a currency for our customers’ savings, we guarantee that it will be sufficient.